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Skyhammer Baneforge

- Officer

Race:  Gnome
Sex:  Male
Class:  Magician
Level:  56
Sponsor:  Arclan
Initiator:  Arclan
Join Date:  2/10/2001
Last On:  10/7/2001
EQOrigin:  Clockwork Sweatshops
EQBirth:  Dec 1999
RLHome:  Washington State
RLAge:  43
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Orphaned when his mother and father were gruesomely killed by a beserk clockwork in an experiment gone hideously awry, young Skyhammer was taken in by and apprenticed to an indifferent clockworks mastersmith. Skyhammer was banned by King Ak'Anon from any further work in the Clockworks after a particularly destructive failed experiment -involving sundry chemicals, fire and noxious vapors- rendered a part of the city uninhabitable for quite some time. Happily, Skyhammer's work in the magical arts has proved somewhat more successful.

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