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Race:  Dark Elf
Sex:  Female
Class:  Shadow Knight
Level:  53
Sponsor:  Many
Initiator:  Hadwin
Join Date:  9/23/2000
Last On:  12/23/2000
EQOrigin:  Nektulos Forest
RLHome:  Neriak
RLAge:  22
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A curious Dark Elf Knight... She can bake and catch fishes during days and days but when she draws her blade she turns into a nearly Perfect Stubborn Knight.
She cannot run face of fiends (She is extremely lazy according to her).
She does not like to see her friends murdered (Its better to die first to not notice that).
She seek out revenge most of the time after being defeated (Revenge!!!).
And after the fight, she loves jumping again in trouble.

May the gods watch over the little foolish elves…

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